About Me

Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
I am a second year student from The Henley College. This year I am studying Media A2, Film AS, English Literature AS and Apllied ICT AS. These blogs are to showcase all of my Media A2 coursework. From audience research to planning, script writing to the final film production and gerenal research and revision for my exam. I hope you enjoy looking through my blog.

Friday 15 October 2010

Treatment for Emma's Story Idea



The theme of the film shall be a journey, but not a physical journey but a mental one for a young girl. The other theme of the film will be ignorance of the girl. I believe the audience shall be young people as the film will be based on people around the same age as them also they maybe able to relate to the characters as they may have been in similar situations like them before. However I would have to do an in depth survey about who would be more suited to watching the film. When watching the short film I would like the audience to react by thinking about the situations the characters were in and what they would do to prevent the situation and also to realise this could happen to them. They should walk away with awareness of the theme. The film therefore is intended as information about the situation and also for entertainment, as young people like to watch something that is more entertaining than educational, so by putting information within the film it will help get an understanding. The film Kidulthood was a big success amongst young people, the film portrays the brutal goings on of young people in London from bullying, violence to death threats. This film entertained young people as well as informing them about what is going on in people same age as them lives. This style I believe I can try to adopt the style to my film and maybe also develop it so it is slightly different from the hit movie.


Society and the world have changed each day, each week and each year. It changes so fast that we can lose track of what goes on with people in our society, and are not aware most things within our society. Young people are not aware and don’t see what is going on in there society at times. What if they realised that their friend was getting bullied, their next door neighbour does drugs and there college/school friend was involved in street crime. In Ignorance the short film tells the story of how a young girl who is blind to what her boyfriend is like, and will not pay any attention to the people she knows and trusts warning her about him. In this five minuet drama the film will help entertain young people and try to make them more aware about what happens in society and how it can affect them or people they know.

Synopsis of Story

The film begins in the darkness of the night. A young girl named Isabelle is walking home from a party with her friend Ellie. They come to a crossroad and Ellie gives Isabelle a hug and leaves Isabelle to walk the rest of the way home. Both the girls go their separate ways. We see Isabelle walking down the road; she looks down the empty street and turns to walk down a small alley. Behind her we see a hooded man following her down the alley. She then hears footsteps getting closer behind her. She walks faster. The footsteps get even closer. She turns around and see’s the hooded person right behind her. We hear her scream. The screen then cuts to black.

The full story then begins as the sun rises, and shines through the crack of the curtains on to Isabelle’s bed where lies asleep. She awakes to her text tone and looks at her phone. The text reads “Meet me at 11am at the park, ly Isabelle x”, we see them name Blake at the top of the text with a love heart next to his name. Isabelle smiles and kisses her phone, turns over to look at her clock where the time read 10am. She jumps out of bed, and we see her getting ready; picking out her clothes, putting on her shows, doing her hair and make up in the mirror. All around her mirror are pictures of her and her friends. Isabelle walks out of her house and begins to head towards the park. As she walks down the street someone comes running up to her. The girl stops Isabelle from walking off. The girl begins to speak frantically; “You’re the new girl going out with Blake. Are you crazy?! You don’t know what he is like. Don’t trust him. He will hurt you like he did me.” Isabelle pushes the girl off of her and tries to walk away until she notices the bruises up her pale arms and the black eye. Isabelle pushes the girl out of the way and says “Leave me alone. I have to go. Stop making up lies he is not like that” and she begins to walk off down the street. The girls screams after her “you ignorant person, if you don’t believe me maybe you should ask your friend Ellie”. Isabelle ignores her and carries on walking. She reaches the park where she spots Blake waiting for her on bench. She walks over to him with a spring in her step and a smile on her face. Blake stands up and hugs Isabelle and kisses her cheek. Blake confronts her with slight sense of anger in his voice; “where have you been, I’ve been waiting for ages”. Isabelle goes to stutter out the words I am sorry I bumped into someone. However Blake realises what he said and changes the subject quickly, “so you are coming to the party tonight baby”.

Isabelle then goes to the party with Blake. They both walk through the door in to the house party and make their way into the kitchen and grab some drinks. They make their way back into the living room and start dancing with each other and socialising with other people. Blake’s phone begins to ring; Isabelle tries to catch a glimpse of who is calling his phone but the phone screen says unknown caller. He see’s Isabelle looking and quickly answers the phone; he mumbles a few words and walks off without saying a word to Isabelle. She is left standing in the middle of the dance floor, all alone with no one to talk to. From the corner of the room her friend Ellie comes running over to her and jumps on her and hugs her. “Izzie what you doing here all alone?”; Isabelle begins to explain how Blake got a phone call and left with no warning but its okay and tells her about her day. Ellie keeps quiet while Isabelle is talking, and then it goes silent between them and Ellie says “Isabelle my friend Chloe spoke to me today, she said she saw you and warned you about Blake. Please listen to her. He is bad news. I don’t want you to get hurt, you hardly know him”. Isabelle ignores her and carries on talking about what she had been doing in the day. The time goes on and nearly everyone has left and Blake never came back so the girls decide to walk home together.

They got there separate ways and Isabelle walks down an alley where the beginning of the film is replayed, and the hooded man grabs her and covers her mouth. The next thing we see is Isabelle coming around in a small dark space with only a little light shinning through, what seemed to be a keyhole. Isabelle hears sounds of a car moving and frantically tries to untie herself. The car stops and Isabelle freezes and does not move. Footsteps are heard walking around the side of the car, the key goes into the boot and the door lifts up. The light rushes in to the car and as she adjusts her eyes there standing in the hooded jacket is Blake. He begins to raise a blunt object and says “you should of listened to your friends”. As he says this he brings the object down quickly to hit her and the screen fades to white.

Creative Approach
Opening Sequence/titles

Footage starts off in complete darkness with a slow eerie music playing which fades out when the girls go their separate ways. The titles begin appearing on screen as we see the two girls walking down the road but they are very conspicuous. The camera is in front of Isabelle zoomed on to her face, it beings a slow zoom out to see the man in the back ground, the camera movement then stops and Isabelle walks clearly into a medium shot and then the hooded man grabs her. The screen then cuts to black where the title of the film comes on the screen very bold and obvious and the music starts up again.

Inciting Incident (the girl Chloe)

The camera is in front of Isabelle and pans as she comes closer to the camera and then into the frame runs Chloe, so they are both are sharing a medium shot. The conversation begins as an over the shoulder shot, then as a conversation forms a shot reverse shot is used. As Isabelle walks off the camera is left in an over the shoulder shot of Chloe shouting down the road to Isabelle in the distance who becomes further out of the shot. We then see Isabelle in a medium shot outside the park looking towards the corner of the park; eye line match is then used to show a long shot of Blake. When Blake shouts at her a close up is used to see Isabelle’s reaction to it and then a close up of Blake to see his reaction to what he did.

Progressive Complications (the party)

When Blake’s phone rings the background diegetic sounds fades to mumbles and an eye line match is used as Isabelle tries to look at his phone, and the phone gets snatch out of the shot. As she is standing alone in the room the camera zooms out to show how she is left alone whilst everyone is laughing and having fun. Her friend then walks into the shot towards her and then cut to them talking. Again the diegetic sound fades out slightly so we can hear Ellie confronting her, then silence as Isabelle doesn’t reply and all of the sound goes back up as soon as she begins to talk.

Crisis (The alley)

The camera is in front of Isabelle zoomed on to her face, it beings a slow zoom out to see the man in the back ground, the camera movement then stops and Isabelle walks clearly into a medium shot and then the hooded man grabs her. She turns around and an eye line match is used to see Blake as the hooded man. After there is a sudden cut to black.

Climax (The car boot)

Close up on Isabella coming around in the car, after a frantic panic the camera zooms out to a medium shot to show her trying to untangle herself, and extreme close ups of her hands trying to undo the knots. The intra-diegetic sounds of footsteps and as soon as Blake finishes speaking (eyeline match) it cuts to white.

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