About Me

Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
I am a second year student from The Henley College. This year I am studying Media A2, Film AS, English Literature AS and Apllied ICT AS. These blogs are to showcase all of my Media A2 coursework. From audience research to planning, script writing to the final film production and gerenal research and revision for my exam. I hope you enjoy looking through my blog.

Friday 15 October 2010

Search for Actors and Actresses

In order to find actors and actresses to act within our film we decided to use the power of the very popular social networking website Facebook. We individually published posts that we continued to update that can be seen by both of our friends, between us we have advertised to roughly 600 people. We used out computers and the internet on our mobile phones to keep our status frequently and repeatedly updated.

My facebook status post:

Actors and actresses are needed for my A2 Media film project, so if you take drama or performing arts or are just interested in acting for fun and want something that will look good on your uni applications, then we need two guys and a girl for filming; possible extras may be required. We're hoping to film within the following few weeks. You can email me on:



Emma's facebook status post:

Hello, me and Kymberly Jade Tran are creating a film for our media A2 coursework. We would like actors to be in this film. So if you do performing arts or drama A Level and would like to audition please let us know, we hope to start filming next week. We are looking for people to play two main guy characters and one main girl, also some extras. If you would like to be in it let us know as soon as possible, this work should also help your college/uni applications.

Thank you.

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