About Me

Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
I am a second year student from The Henley College. This year I am studying Media A2, Film AS, English Literature AS and Apllied ICT AS. These blogs are to showcase all of my Media A2 coursework. From audience research to planning, script writing to the final film production and gerenal research and revision for my exam. I hope you enjoy looking through my blog.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Production Log for Media A2 Coursework

In the beginning...

15th September 2010 = We discussed the opening ideas for our short films. We came up with a combination of using the seven deadly sins and a kidnapping story. We combined our personal script ideas.
17th September 2010 = We analysed and discussed short films within the class, how they may relate to our own films. We talked about what we can take from them and how we can use certain elements from them in our own films too.
20th September 2010 = We watched a presentation by a teacher at out college, Nick Saunders. We watched his short unfinished film and listened to advice he gave us.
22nd September 2010 = We analysed short films with the class, did detailed textual analysis of them
24th September 2010 = I was off sick this day.               
27th September 2010 = This lesson we researched our coursework, class discussions about various short films; unfortunately we couldn’t do any computer work because the system was down. (Emma’s birthday)
29th September 2010 = = Started our individual work on poster analysis, uploaded them to our blogs.
1st October 2010 = Individual research for planning. I was ill, so we were unable to combine our work, put our work up individually on our blogs and emailed each other work.
4th October 2010 = our college lesson was cancelled today so we individually did audience research at home.
6th October 2010 = We discussed feedback we had received on our blogs, started splitting up more individual work, uploading things onto our blog.
 8th October 2010 = We did our marketing research questionnaire for our blog.
11th October 2010 = We did brainstorming for shot ideas and more target audience brainstorms.
13th October = We advertised auditions for actors and actresses needed in our film on social networking sites.
15th October 2010 = We contacted college teachers for help in search of actors and actresses for our films.
18th October 2010 = We did and uploaded the story boards for our films, swapped other individual work to put up onto our blogs.
20th October 2010 = We completed and put up our shot list for our film onto our blogs.

1st November 2010 =  Today neither myself or Emma were able to come into college to do any work, as We both had hospital appointments.

3rd November 2010 =  Today we discussed a plan on what we are going to do about filming, we also discussed props and costume list.

8th November 2010 = In this lesson we began filming the first scenes in our film and took some backstage photos.

10th November 2010 =  This lesson both of us were unable to come in and complete filming.

12th November 2010 =  Within the lesson we carried on filming some scenes with just the girl in it, and then we stayed after college to do night filming. However we filmed for such a long time that the camera battery died so we were unable to finish our planned filming for that day.

15th November 2010 = In today's lesson together we discussed possible camera shots we could do. We also began creating magazine review drafts and finishing poster drafts for our film. Together we began coming up with ideas for a dramatic line, which shall be the only line within our film. Later on after college we began filming our canteen scenes and finished off our night scenes. All we have left to complete is the boot of the car scene.

17th November 2010 =  Today we began to edit our film be capturing what we had. Then we began looking at the shots, choosing which ones are best and putting it in to the order we would like. Then began cutting them down and adding effects.

18th November 2010 = Today we finally finished filming. During college free time we filmed the car boot.

19th November 2010 =  Today we began to finish editing, as the editing deadline was 4pm. We spent most of the day trying to capture some things that we filmed and finish editing. However there was a problem with the computers, they would not capture or let us edit. However we finally got it done.

22nd November 2010 = In today's lesson we added the final touches to our film, such as finishing a few cuts and adding in the titles and credits. We completed it and made it into the final format to be shown.

24th November 2010 = In this lesson we completed the costume and prop list as well as the location recce, as well as a few other things.

26th November 2010 = Within the lesson we went through the photos for the poster, and chose which one would be best, and completed it outside of the lesson. We discussed our plan for the final week of media coursework.

29th November 2010 = In today's lesson we split up the work. I finished off the magazine review and Emma completed the shooting and acting schedule, adding a few pictures to show what scenes we did on certain days, she also began editing the synopsis.

1st December 2010 = Today's lesson we showed our film to the class and gained audience feedback, which we took on board. Emma then wrote up all of the feedback so it was easier to understand whilst I did the final edit decision list

3rd December 2010 = We were both off today. However we managed together to complete the evaluation together by dividing the questions up between us. The final deadline was today so we made sure that everything on our blogs was up to date and everything completed.
...The End

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