About Me

Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
I am a second year student from The Henley College. This year I am studying Media A2, Film AS, English Literature AS and Apllied ICT AS. These blogs are to showcase all of my Media A2 coursework. From audience research to planning, script writing to the final film production and gerenal research and revision for my exam. I hope you enjoy looking through my blog.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Shot Ideas for our film

• Shot 1.1 = Medium shot, fades in from black to Isabelle in boot of a car.

• Shot 1.2 = Extreme close up of Isabelle’s eyes, showing that she is crying.

• Shot 1.3 = Zoom out from Isabelle’s eyes, she is gagged and tied up.

• Shot 1.4 = Point of view shot from Isabelle’s eyes, the car boot is opening, she sees her kidnapper.

• Shot 1.5 = Point of view shot from the geek looking down at Isabelle, hand in shot showing him pulling out a weapon.

• Shot 1.6 = Close up shot reverse shots of Isabelle looking at the weapon and the geek’s perspective of the helpless Isabelle.

• Shot 2.1 = Over the shoulder shot of Isabelle doing her hair and makeup in the mirror.

• Shot 2.1 = Medium shot of Isabelle sorting out her hair and makeup when she sees her reflection, as if she were looking in another mirror. She smiles and pouts.

• Shot 2.3 = Medium shot, slow pan from behind; her flicking through her notebook and walking off past the camera.

• Shot 2.4 = Pan of Isabelle pushing the door and walking out into the corridor.

• Shot 3.1 = Point of view shot of Isabelle walking down the corridor of people looking at her, waving and smiling. Then Geek bumps into her (walk into camera) and drops the books.

• Shot 3.2 = Tilted down shot of her looking down on geeky guy. He frantically tries to pick up the notebook.

• Shot 3.3 = Shot reverse shot of Geek; he frantically tries to pick up the books.

• Shot 3.4 = Extreme close up of Isabelle’s notebook, her name is written on it.

• Shot 3.5 = Close up of Geek putting his phone number in her notebook.

• Shot 3.6 = Point of view shot of Geek shakily handing over her notebook and Isabelle snatching it back off of him.

• Shot 3.7 = Long shot of Isabelle slowly walking away down the corridor.

• Shot 3.8 = Slow zoom in to Isabelle pulling out of her notebook of Geek’s number.

• Shot 3.9 =Tracking shot of the paper and Isabelle screwing the paper with the Geek’s number on it up and throwing it in on the floor.

• Shot 3.10 = close up of the Geek’s eyes, full of emotional turmoil at the sight of Isabelle rejecting him, his eyes fill with tears.

• Shot 4.1 = Tracking shot of Isabelle walking down the corridor.

• Shot 4.2 = Over the shoulder shot of Isabelle stopping and spotting Hot Guy sitting with some of his friends.

• Shot 4.3 = Close up of Isabelle’s face. She smiles and sorts out her hair. She starts to walk towards Hot Guy and his friends.
• Shot 4.4 = Medium shot of Isabelle strutting over to Hot Guy and pulling up a chair as close to him as possible. She begins to whisper in his ear.

• Shot 4.5 = Extreme close up of her whispering into Hot Guy’s ear. His eyes light up as to what she is saying to him.

• Shot 4.6 = Medium shot of Hot Guy getting up and then coming back, handing Isabelle a drink. She smiles sweetly, they carry on talking and flirting, she kisses him on the cheek. Isabelle walks away.

• Shot 4.7 = Close up of Hot Guy’s face after Isabelle kisses his cheek and leaves.

• Shot 4.8 = Medium shot of Hot Guy carrying on talking to his friends. A slow zoom to the background where Geek is staring enviously at Hot Guy, after seeing everything that just happened. Geek is angry, he storms off.

• Shot 5.1 = Slow pan of Isabelle walking down the hill texting on her phone and having a cigarette. She is not watching where she is going, She bumps into the Geek’s shoulder.

• Shot 5.2 = Medium shot of Geek’s face, he is clearly very angry, he carries on walking.

• Shot 6.1 = tracking shot of Isabelle all dressed up with a bottle in her hand. She stops and slumps onto the curb.

• Shot 6.2 = medium shot of Isabelle sitting on the curb; she begins to cry. Diegetic noises of cars can be heard. A hooded person walks into the shot, they attempt to grab Isabelle but she gets up and runs away.

• Shot 6.3 = series of running sequences, take place, showing Isabelle running and constantly looking back at her attacker; she wants to see how far away he is. She stumbles to the ground. Diegetic noises of Isabelle heavily breathing throughout the scene.

• Shot 6.4 = tilt shot of Isabelle on the floor, crying and turning her head and looking up at her attacker. She looks at the camera, crying, point of view shot from the Geek’s eyes. The Geek walks into the scene and grabs her.

• Shot 7.1 = Medium shot, fades in from black to Isabelle in boot of a car.

• Shot 7.2 = Extreme close up of Isabelle’s eyes, showing that she is crying.

• Shot 7.3 = Zoom out from Isabelle’s eyes, she is gagged and tied up.

• Shot 7.4 = Point of view shot from Isabelle’s eyes, the car boot is opening, she sees her kidnapper.

• Shot 7.5 = Point of view shot from the geek looking down at Isabelle, hand in shot showing him pulling out a weapon.

• Shot 7.6 = Close up shot reverse shots of Isabelle looking at the weapon and the geek’s perspective of the helpless Isabelle.

• Shot 7.7 = Medium shot so the audience can see the Geek.

• Shot 7.8 = he draws his weapon up and as he brings it down the camera slowly pans up, after he strikes the shot fades to white.

The final shots we use in our film can be seen in our 'Final Shot and Edit Decision List'

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