About Me

Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
I am a second year student from The Henley College. This year I am studying Media A2, Film AS, English Literature AS and Apllied ICT AS. These blogs are to showcase all of my Media A2 coursework. From audience research to planning, script writing to the final film production and gerenal research and revision for my exam. I hope you enjoy looking through my blog.

Friday 15 October 2010

Search for Actors and Actresses 2

We also emailed teachers at our college to see if they could help us in the search for our actors and actresses and places to hold auditions. The head of the performing arts block was helpful with our search, these are the emails sent between us.

From: Emma Bennett
Sent: 15 October 2010 09:08
To: Nic Saunders
Subject: A2 Media Coursework

Kym Tran and I are creating a film for our A2 Media coursework and were wondering if it would be possible for you to ask your students if they would like to be in our film. If you could let your students know that being in films for media and film projects will look good on their UCAS references and applications; that may encourage them a bit. We are looking for one girl and two guys, maybe a few extras also, we’ll be holding auditions in the next couple of weeks, if anyone is interested then please have them email us or add us on face book.

They can contact us on kymberlyjt@hotmail.co.uk or on this account.

Thank you from Emma and Kym

From: Nic Saunders
Sent: 15 October 2010 09:09
To: Emma Bennett
Subject: RE: A2 Media Coursework

I see no problem there.

What would be helpful is to know exactly when audition is, what is required, how long filming commitment is and where.

Let me know this and I will hand pick the better actors and send them your way.


From: Emma Bennett
Sent: 15 October 2010 09:18
To: Nic Saunders
Subject: RE: A2 Media Coursework

We will be holding auditions at Monday lunch, would it be possible if we could use D3 to hold the auditions?
They would need to bring just themselves, it is a silent film so no monologue is needed. The film is about the 7 deadly sins portrayed through one main girl. Find attached the basic script of our film.
Filming would be within college next week and week commencing the 1st November. However we may do two nights during half term which will require only one actor and actress. We would like to film in block 3 if possible which is are media lesson, and block 5 as this is our fee. The film will only be 5 minutes long.
Emma and Kym

From: Nic Saunders
Sent: 15 October 2010 09:22
To: Emma Bennett
Subject: RE: A2 Media Coursework

D3 is not available on a Monday as it’s full all day.
This Monday is too soon to get the word round – it’s Friday and most aren’t in today. Could I encourage you to reschedule for later in the week? (Which, I realise, will push filming back)
I would suggest even if the film is silent, ask people to prepare a short monologue. This will a) make them take the audition and you much more seriously and b) even if the actor doesn’t speak in the film, don’t you want to know people can act? Reaction shots are still acting.
Also, it’s going to be impossible to use Vocational students in class time as their timetable doesn’t work like that – if you want to use them you’ll need to schedule filming after college hours I’m afraid .
And word of advice from experience, length of film doesn’t always correlate to length of shoot. 5 mins of complex set ups could take you a long time – I’d strongly advise setting aside a weekend for the shoot. Two whole days and you’ll get a lot done and it’s a concentrated, focused amount of time for everyone .
Sorry to highlight problems, but trying to help.

From: Emma Bennett
Sent: 15 October 2010 09:38
To: Nic Saunders
Subject: RE: A2 Media Coursework

We would be able to do Tuesday lunch time and if we do not have enough people we may reschedule to another day during the week.

We would appreciate it if you could ask the students that you pick what blocks they are free to film during college as we need to film within classrooms and canteen etc.

Could you please then ask them to prepare a small monologue, and be ready to improvise. We will also need to take photos of them for character profiles.

When we find the actors we will have to work around both theirs and our schedules, so we will be prepared to put some weekends and evenings aside if necessary.

Emma and Kym

From: Nic Saunders
Sent: 15 October 2010 09:48
To: Emma Bennett
Subject: RE: A2 Media Coursework

What time is your lunchtime?

From: Emma Bennett
Sent: 15 October 2010 09:54
To: Nic Saunders
Subject: RE: A2 Media Coursework

Our lunchtime is 11.55am to 12.55pm.

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