About Me

Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
I am a second year student from The Henley College. This year I am studying Media A2, Film AS, English Literature AS and Apllied ICT AS. These blogs are to showcase all of my Media A2 coursework. From audience research to planning, script writing to the final film production and gerenal research and revision for my exam. I hope you enjoy looking through my blog.

Friday 17 December 2010

Ancillary Task Feedback and Questionnaire

This is a questionnaire that we created for our film magazine review and poster so that we could recieve feedback about our ancillary tasks.

This is a questionnaire that we created for our film magazine review and poster so that we could recieve feedback about our ancillary tasks.

Everybody seemed to like our film poster and magazine, there were a few critisicms made, such as the quote at the top of the page not looking right and the position of the names on the poster.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Presentation Evaluation

Audience Feedback - 7 Deadly Sins

Straight after the film we asked out audience to give us some feedback via postit notes, we read the feedback and then took the critisicisms and ideas and i mproved out work. We then did a seperate questionnaire about our ancillary tasks.

Monday 6 December 2010

Production Checklist and Task Assignments

Although it doesn't say it on the list we have completed our evaluation and you will find that below this post. we print screened this production check list before we finished the evaluation.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Final Storyboard, Edit and Shot Decision List

Audience Feedback for our Film

We asked our classmates and other people to give us feedback on our film after showing it to them. we asked them to give us feedback on representation, technical aspects such as camera angles and any other general feedback they may have for us, all critisicm was welcome.

Production Calendar

Sound for Our Film

Unfortunately we couldn't get in touch with the remixers and producers (Dubstep and Jakwob) of Ellie Goulding's song 'Starry Eyed' that we used in the film/ We couldn't find anyone to email about the rights and making of the song but we would like to make it clear we do NOT own the rights to this song, we did not make, sing, mix or produce it.

Shooting and Acting Schedule